Maintenance and Repair

Assist develops professional solutions by eliminating interruptions in public services due to personnel management problems, inefficiency, high costs, the supply of spare parts, and reliance on various foreign services.
It carries out the Service, maintenance and repair services of all makes and models of vehicles, especially used in municipal services, in a professional manner from one place and at the institution’s own address.
Asist reduces depreciation costs to minimum levels with short-term maintenance and repair operations with its experience in the sector, dealership and distributorship of many companies, spare parts and consumables supply chain.
It provides a solution for all vehicles from one place, and also ensures the efficient use of resources, shortening of maintenance and repair times, and regularity of work related to vehicles in institutions with tracking, inspection and reporting systems.
Asist carries out all these works within the scope of Albayrak Group, and with its experience and power of providing 24/7 maintenance, repair, spare parts supply services to more than 1500 vehicles and construction machines with its around 200 personnel at 25 different places at home and abroad.